How To Pick a College

college tours

How Do I Pick a College?

Many students ask us, How do I pick a college? Since our tour guides speak to college students on a daily basis, we can tell you the 3 biggest things, students we’ve encountered, say helped them make the choice.

What Should I do for a career?

This is an important question to explore.  You can determine this by taking a good look at the type of job that would make you happy.  If you really enjoyed that summer job at a restaurant talking to people, perhaps it’s a good idea taking a look at a business degree.  If you find yourself with a hair brush in one hand while watching “Glee”, perhaps its time to explore a career in acting.  Either way, this is the biggest choice you need to make before deciding on a college.

Picking a Big College Versus a Small College

Big colleges have the following perks:

  • Many choices for majors and courses
  • Many well-funded sports programs
  • Distinguished or famous faculty
  • State-of-the-art research facilities

Small colleges have the following perks:

  • Small class sizes (your teacher & advisor know you by name)
  • Individually designed majors
  • Professors, not teaching assistants, teach most courses

A big college is going to be a radically different experience than a small college.  No experience is better.  But it is your experience and you have the right to decide the type of college that suits you.

College Tuition Prices

Whoever is paying for college will tell you, this is a very important choice.   You may want to create a college price list to help eliminate the colleges that are way above your budget.  We have prepared the following information to help you start this college price list.

  • A public four-year college costs, on average, $7,000-12,000 per year.
  • A private nonprofit four-year college costs, on average, $28,00 per year.
  • A public two-year college costs, on average, $3,000 per year

College Tours

Ever buy a car without driving it?  Chances are the answer is no.  The same goes for a college. If you are going to invest a lot of money and a lot of time, you want to know if the college “feels” right.  We’ve provided tons of college tours to students who say they feel better about the school once they’ve walked on campus, seen the teachers and spoken to people in the financial aid department.  Visiting a website, just doesn’t cut it. If you would like to learn more about college tours contact us here for more information.